Layout Tools

  • ricciastone

    Riccia Stone


    Riccia Stone

    In order to make a carpet utilizing Riccia or willow moss, there must be a surface to tie the plant to because they do not develop roots. Riccia stone includes 10 flat stones of assorted sizes perfect for tying Riccia to as an accent or full carpet layout in your aquarium.

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  • riccialine

    Riccia Line


    Riccia Line

    Riccia line is used to tie down Riccia onto stones and driftwood. 164 feet (50m) of strong line is included that does not dissolve over time in order to keep Riccia firmly attached to the surface, for this reason the line is tinted green to make it appear invisible when Riccia grows over it. You may also use Riccia line to attach moss to small stones, which can be difficult to attach using Moss Cotton.

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  • woodtight

    Wood Tight


    Wood Tight

    Aquatic ferns (such as bolbitus and java fern) and Anubias species do not root in soil. Rather they attach their roots to driftwood or stones. Wood Tight uses a brown colored (to blend with driftwood) vinyl over wire in order to temporarily fix these plants to driftwood initially, while roots take hold. After tying aquatic plants to the surface, it is easy to cut and remove with scissors.


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  • mosscotton

    Moss Cotton


    Moss Cotton

    Mosses grow onto surfaces like driftwood and cling to them over time. However, initially they need to be tied down in order to properly grow. Moss Cotton is a specialty thread made out of cotton, with a dark green coloration (so that it is hidden from view). The thread naturally degrades over time once the aquatic mosses has taken root on the driftwood or stones.

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