Aquatic Plant Fertilizers
There is a simple delight in the small things. The excitement of feeding fish as they dance and swirl around towards the provided food. A similar pleasure exists in ‘feeding’ aquatic plants with vital nutrients, watching them grow and thrive.
The last vital component for growing aquatic plants – after lighting, Co2 and water quality is providing essential nutrients to nourish plant growth. Keeping it simple, the planted tank requires iron, potassium and nitrogen as major (or macro) nutrients and also some micronutrients like magnesium and calcium. The proper dosage is needed, give too little and life suffers, give too much and algae breaks out.
That’s why we’ve taken all the complexity out of fertilizing your aquatic plants. Every fertilizer is designed specifically for use with Aqua Soil to complement the natural nutrition of soil while also formulated to work together synergistically, with easy ways of dosing. Each product has an easy to use nozzle or dropper, so that way you can enjoy the process – just like with feeding the fish.
Brighty K
$13.95–$21.95Select optionsBrighty K
The three basic nutrients (or macro nutrients) required for aquatic plants to thrive are Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K). Unlike nitrogen and phosphorus, which can be replenished naturally, potassium has no way of naturally occuring in the aquarium. Brighty K provides the necessary potassium for aquatic plants to thrive. Can also be used as a water conditioner to neutralize chlorine.
Green Brighty STEP Series
$13.95–$21.95Select optionsGreen Brighty STEP Series Fertilizers
Fertilization of aquatic plants is one of the most important steps of creating a beautiful layout over the long term. The Green Brighty STEP system is formulated specifically to work with Amazonia Aqua Soil: meaning that the dosage rates are optimized specifically for Aqua Design Amano’s signature aquarium substrate. As the aquarium ages, so to does the nutrient requirements of plants, as a result the Green Brighty STEP series is formulated to compensate for these changes across STEP 1, STEP 2 and STEP 3.
Green Brighty SPECIAL Series
$13.95–$21.95Select optionsGreen Brighty SPECIAL Shade and Lights
Depending on the aquatic plants chosen for a layout, you may need to supplement additional fertilizers. SPECIAL Shade is optimized for cryptocoryne plants, while SPECIAL Lights is used for plants such as Riccia, Glossostigma and Stem Plants. Because of the way these kinds of plants grow, supplemental dosage becomes necessary.
$19.95Add to cartECA (Efficient Complex Acid)
Containing natural organic acids and liquid iron (for easy aquatic plant absorbtion), ECA is a liquid additive for nature aquarium. The organic acids contribute to positive bacteria activity and encourages aquatic plant growth, while Iron helps Chlorophyll (a pigment used for photosynthesis). Using ECA prevents the whitening of aquatic plant buds by stimulating new bud development through activating enzymes for the metabolism of aquatic plants.
Green Gain
$19.95Add to cartGreen Gain
Containing over 60 different active ingredients (from trace elements, to minerals and amino acids), along with botanical hormones naturally extracted from plants like cytokinin, Green Gain is used to aid in plant growth after trimming and water changes. The ingredients contained in Green Gain’s formula as an aquatic plant fertilizer are necessary for consistent growth over time in aquatic plants.
Phyton Git
$19.95Add to cartPhyton Git
Effective in eliminating beard algae, blue-green algae and diseases, Phyton Git is formulated specially to bring out the natural defenses and healing powers of aquatic plants. Phyton Git provides an organic way of combating algae and plant disease. Using man-made chemicals and medicines may quickly exterminate algae, but also majorly upsets the ecosystem in the aquarium, such as in the case of hydrogen peroxide, which bleaches plants. Phyton Git was crafted with the mission of Nature Aquarium in mind, and therefore ensures the protection of healthy aquatic plants by supplementing the aquatic plant’s own natural healing abilities.
Green Bacter
$19.95Add to cartGreen Bacter
In a newly setup aquarium, microorganisms have not yet colonized in the filter. Green Bacter becomes food for the microorganisms and is added to the water daily for the first two weeks, then after every water change there after. Green Bacter comes included with Co2 Advanced System.